
Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Tribal Council #16 ~ Potontoc

It is the "last tribal council". Candice will decide who she wants at the final. Eliza or Stacy? One of them will also become the 7th member of the jury.

Moderators: Jeff Probst, Candice Woodcock, Eliza Orlins, Stacy Kimball, Brady Finta, Rita Verreos, Michelle Yi , Scout Cloud Lee, Yau-Man Chan

2 12 THE VOTE!
by Candice Woodcock
Jun 21, 2007 19:21:19 GMT -5
No New Posts Tribal Council #15 ~ Potontoc - 1 Viewing

It is the 15th tribal council of the game! (Final 4) After this tribal council, we will be down to the final 3!!

Moderators: Jeff Probst, Candice Woodcock, Eliza Orlins, Stacy Kimball, Yau-Man Chan, Brady Finta, Rita Verreos, Michelle Yi , Scout Cloud Lee

2 12 FiNaL 4 VoTeS
by Scout Cloud Lee
Jun 19, 2007 19:35:48 GMT -5
No New Posts Tribal Council #14 ~ Potontoc

It is the 14th tribal council of the game! After this tribal council, Potontoc tribe and the game will be down to Final 4!

Moderators: Jeff Probst, Candice Woodcock, Eliza Orlins, Scout Cloud Lee, Stacy Kimball, Yau-Man Chan, Brady Finta, Rita Verreos, Michelle Yi

2 13 Votes of Tc14
by Jeff Probst
Jun 17, 2007 12:22:49 GMT -5
No New Posts Tribal Council #13 ~ Potontoc[/color]

It is the 13th Tribal Council of the game!!! After this tribal council, the game will be down to the final 5!

Moderators: Jeff Probst, Candice Woodcock, Eliza Orlins, Michelle Yi , Scout Cloud Lee, Stacy Kimball, Yau-Man Chan, Brady Finta, Rita Verreos

2 14 Tribal Council #13 Votes
by Scout Cloud Lee
Jun 13, 2007 19:17:09 GMT -5
No New Posts Tribal Council #12 ~ Potontoc - 1 Viewing

It is the 12th tribal council of the game! The Potontoc tribe will be down to 6 and it will be Final 6!

Moderators: Jeff Probst, Candice Woodcock, Eliza Orlins, Michelle Yi , Rita Verreos, Scout Cloud Lee, Stacy Kimball, Yau-Man Chan, Brady Finta

2 13 Votes #12
by Candice Woodcock
Jun 9, 2007 9:23:50 GMT -5
No New Posts Tribal Council #11 ~ Potontoc

It is the 11th tribal council of the game! Potontoc's tribe will be down to the final 7!

Moderators: Jeff Probst, Candice Woodcock, Eliza Orlins, Michelle Yi , Rita Verreos, Scout Cloud Lee, Stacy Kimball, Yau-Man Chan, Brady Finta

2 13 [VOTES]
by Scout Cloud Lee
Jun 5, 2007 19:13:40 GMT -5
No New Posts Tribal Council #10 ~ Potontoc

It is the tenth tribal council of the game! Potontoc's merge's tribe will be down to the final 8.

Moderators: Jeff Probst, Brady Finta, Candice Woodcock, Eliza Orlins, Michelle Yi , Rita Verreos, Scout Cloud Lee, Stacy Kimball, Yau-Man Chan

2 17 Tribal Council #10 Votes
by Eliza Orlins
Jun 2, 2007 19:07:24 GMT -5
No New Posts Tribal Council #9 ~ Potontoc

It is the first merge's tribal council! Potontoc tribe will be down to 9 tonight!

Moderators: Jeff Probst, Brady Finta, Candice Woodcock, Eliza Orlins, Gregg Carey, Michelle Yi , Rita Verreos, Scout Cloud Lee, Stacy Kimball, Yau-Man Chan

2 14 Tc#9 Votes
by Stacy Kimball
May 29, 2007 10:07:55 GMT -5
No New Posts Tribal Council #8 ~ New Pawhuska

It's the last tribe's tribal council! The new Pawhuska tribe will be down to 4!

Moderators: Jeff Probst, Gregg Carey, Judd Sergeant, Rita Verreos, Scout Cloud Lee

2 10 Final 11 Votes
by Scout Cloud Lee
May 27, 2007 19:06:20 GMT -5
No New Posts Tribal Council #7 ~ New Pawhuska

It is the seventh tribal council of the game where the new Pawhuska tribe will meet their first tribal council. Pawhuska tribe will be down to 5.

Moderators: Jeff Probst, Gregg Carey, Judd Sergeant, Paschal English, Rita Verreos, Scout Cloud Lee

1 15 Tc#7 Votes
by Paschal English
May 18, 2007 18:52:23 GMT -5
No New Posts Tribal Council #6 ~ Atoka[/color]

It is the 6th tribal council of the game doubled with the 5th. Atoka unisexe's tribe will be down to 5.

Moderators: Jeff Probst, Brady Finta, Candice Woodcock, Earl Cole, Eliza Orlins, Judd Sergeant, Michelle Yi

2 9 Tc#6 ~ Votes
by Earl Cole
May 14, 2007 8:44:04 GMT -5
No New Posts Tribal Council #5 ~ Watonga

It is the 5th tribal council of the game doubled with the sixth. Watonga men's tribe will be down to 3!

Moderators: Jeff Probst, Boo Bernis, Gregg Carey, Paschal English, Yau-Man Chan

2 4 Tc#5 Votes
by Boo Bernis
May 12, 2007 18:55:44 GMT -5
No New Posts Tribal Council #4 ~ Watonga

It is the 4th tribal council of the game with the 3rd. Watonga's tribe will be down to 4!

Moderators: Jeff Probst, Austin Carty, Boo Bernis, Gregg Carey, Paschal English, Yau-Man Chan

1 1 Tribal Council #4 - Votes
by Jeff Probst
May 9, 2007 17:51:38 GMT -5
No New Posts Tribal Council #3 ~ Pawhuska

It is the third tribal council of the game doubled with the 4th. Pawhuska's tribe will be down to 4.

Moderators: Jeff Probst, Rita Verreos, Scout Cloud Lee, Stacy Kimball, Trish Dunn

1 3 Tribal Council #3 Votes
by Scout Cloud Lee
May 10, 2007 9:56:19 GMT -5
No New Posts Tribal Council #2 ~ Pawhuska

This second tribal council will attent the girl tribe that will be down to 5.

Moderators: Jeff Probst, Alicia Calaway, Rita Verreos, Scout Cloud Lee, Stacy Kimball, Trish Dunn

2 8 Tc2 Votes
by Scout Cloud Lee
May 4, 2007 12:40:02 GMT -5
No New Posts Tribal Council #1 ~ Watonga

It is the first tribal council of the game! X tribe will be down to 5!

Moderators: Jeff Probst, Austin Carty, Boo Bernis, Gregg Carey, Mookie Lee, Paschal English, Yau-Man Chan

2 6 Votes #1
by Jeff Probst
May 1, 2007 14:52:32 GMT -5

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